The Slide Show the Knicks Gave LeBron

Posted: 2nd July 2010 by Blake Murphy in Extra Content, NBA Ball

Check it out.

This is a Forbes story about the Knicks’ pitch to LeBron, complete with the slideshow presentation they gave him. Pretty cool!

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  1. FAQ says:

    It was all a SCAM!!! Lebron was lying through his teeth!!!

    The whole deal was decided many months ago between Wade, Bosh and Lebron. His story about only making a decision after waking up yesterday is a total lie and it showed on his face!!! Sooo obvious.

    When Bosh went with the Heat after posting twitters which amounted to taunts, that should have tipped everybody that the fix was in.

    The fact that all three players are getting less than max money is another tip off, because that doesn’t happen overnight. Negotiations were aimed to achieve this arrangement and contracts had many pages of detail. It was all done well ahead of yesterday. Believe it!!!

    NBA fans were just strung along in an attempt to make it look like it was a difficult decision for Lebron. It was a total, cynical SCAM!!!!